Business internet and phone services in London Essex and Hertforshire.
We can help with fast, reliable voice, data and mobile connectivity, backed by caring personalised service and support from a team based in the UK.
Since the year 2014 Evening Computing, as a registered partner of a large telecoms organisation; offers a complete range of fixed and mobile voice and data connectivity solutions from industry leading network services partners such as Gamma, Exponential-e, BT Wholesales, Vodafone and O2.
Our knowledge and expertise with business internet and phone services in London Essex and Hertforshire mean that we understand what connectivity solutions are available and can match them perfectly with your operational requirements. Our experience and use of best practice de-risks switching providers and ensures customer satisfaction.
We have ServiceMark accredited customer service teams.
Please note that the services displayed in this page are subject to change.

Business grade internet connectivity is essential for any forward-thinking business or organisation. Providing high speed and reliability for your internet connection, helps you increase productivity and enables you to use the right technologies to support your growth.
Unlike many of our rivals, our business partner is truly independent and not bound to a single provider. This means we’re able to source quotes from the whole of the market, to give you the best quality and value for money.
As a fully integrated IT and Unified Communications provider, we have a detailed knowledge of the whole technology landscape so we are ideally placed to advise you on which solutions work best, for the environment you have and/or applications you are using.
From planning, design, testing and diagnostics to provisioning and implementation. We have the expertise needed to integrate any solution and ensure it is working effectively.
We’ll also ensure we keep it this way, with help and advice from our ServiceMark accredited customer service teams. Our size affords us direct access to many of our network partner support teams and allows us to provide a personalised and agile service, responding quickly to any support issues you may have.

Mobile Services
The recent evolution of network speeds, technology, smart devices and BYOD have all increased the difficulty for telecoms budget holders to report on and understand how people use communications technology at work.
Find out how our mobile team can help you make the right decisions about your business mobiles.
Tier 1 Mobile Services
We only provide tier 1 mobile services from the likes of Vodafone and O2 and can advise you on optimum coverage based on your typical workforce locations.
Flexible price plans
Flexible price plans tailored to your individual business requirements. Whether you require a solo, sharer or SIM only plan, we provide the latest handsets with unlimited calls and texts tailored specifically to the data usage of your business.
Fastest access to data with 4G and 5G
- Access all your office tools, services, and systems on the move
- Get faster access to more data wherever you are
- Share information and collaborate on documents while you’re out and about
Roaming and international calls
We understand how easy it is to use data accidentally abroad and spend more than you want to. That’s why we’ll let you know how much it would cost to use your device abroad and how to use only the data you want to.
Payment free periods
If you have a period of time when your business has no use for a mobile service we offer a payment free break during this time. This can potentially save you money because you won’t need to pay for an unnecessary service.
Co-terminating contracts
You can add new connections whenever you want and at no extra cost. Each new connection will be charged the same rates as the original connections with no co-termination admin costs.

SIP Trunks
SIP trunking is the IP based replacement for traditional ISDN circuits which BT has announced are being withdrawn by 2025. It connects your PBX or telephone system to the PSTN via broadband, ethernet or private circuit into the national network.
Compared to ISDN our SIP trunking service is less costly per channel and more flexible in how and where geographic telephone numbers can be used. It’s also quicker to install and provision and, as standard, it delivers extremely robust business continuity.
SIP trunking is the latest form of technology that delivers telephone lines using an external data connection as the bearer for the purpose of making and receiving calls. This virtual IP based service uses network data connectivity instead of dedicated fixed line technology methods.
Similar to ISDN, SIP trunks offer multiple flexible lines, unlimited direct dial ranges and caller display. However, SIP trunking provides the ability to converge your voice calls and data onto a single data connection enabling cloud and site based resilience.
SIP trunk technology can reduce the need for dedicated connections as one single data connection can be used to carry both your voice and data traffic.
Ongoing telephone system hardware and support costs can be significantly reduced as SIP trunks are software licence based, eliminating the requirement to invest and pay support charges for expensive ISDN hardware line cards.

Business Phone Lines and Calls
Our partner is a direct wholesaler of BT Openreach for standard business phone lines and calls. We seamlessly manage the order and installation to ensure the service is live and ready to use, just when you need it.
We also interface directly with BT Openreach engineers on your behalf, should you face any issues so you don’t spend time queuing for support.
Request a cost comparison
Simply submit your most recent phone bill and itemised call statements. We’ll then complete a full audit within 5 working days identifying the areas you can save the most money. Rest assured your data will be kept confidential and all material returned once we have completed the analysis.
Choose your care level
Select from 3 care level options to ensure faults are fixed during your business operating hours
Voice quality guaranteed with a dedicated connection
Perfect for dedicated failover lines as no local power is required
Standard Business Lines
We recommend using our standard business phone lines when you require dedicated lines to either make and receive telephone calls or host dedicated point-to-point services e.g. broadband, Redcare Fire alarm signalling, faxes and PDQ’s.
ISDN Circuits
Our partner is also a direct wholesaler of BT Openreach for ISDN lines and call traffic. We not only guide you through the process of selecting the right ISDN service and migrating, we also manage the entire process, so you can take advantage of all the benefits whilst suffering minimal disruption.
We can help with any enquiries related to business internet and phone services in London Essex and Hertforshire.

Virtual Numbering and Virtual Non-Geographic Numbers
Our virtual numbering and inbound services are packed with features to help you manage incoming calls, providing greater business efficiency, resilience, flexibility and better customer service.
Select the right number for your business using virtual non-geographic numbers and enjoy a range of features and benefits.
Call statistics
Effectively track calls and enhance management reporting with easy to interpret Inbound call statistic graphs. Includes Snapshot data revealing results of call handling efficiencies to ensure informed operational decisions are made instantaneously e.g. When are my busy hours? How many customers are getting through? Where are my callers based?
Call queuing
Inbound lets incoming calls queue to a destination number to help with call handling during busy periods. You can also monitor your customer service with live queue statistics and let instant changes be made to queue management and size, whilst providing optional queue breakout and overflow preferences to an alternative destination, announcement or voicemail service.
To discuss your business requirements, please contact us on +44 (0) 7815 105782. Alternatively, please request a callback and we will contact you promptly.